Monthly Archives: June 2021

6 posts

House Decluttering 101: The KonMari Method & How To Do It

When Marie Kondo published her bestselling book, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and debuted her own Netflix original, Tidying Up With Marie Kondo, she became an instant hit. And it’s no wonder why. Forget the overly complicated rules of cleaning and decluttering, Kondo’s decluttering technique only has 6 simple […]

Yacht Activities You Can Do For Your Family Bonding

Without a doubt, quality time is important for fostering bonds between family members; which is why occasional family bonding sessions come into play. Especially when considering how everyone usually has their own life to go about – putting aside some time to organise a family bonding event can help keep […]

Post-COVID: The Need To Embrace The Norm Of The New Reality

The coronavirus pandemic has effectively affected the social and economic fabrics on a global scale. In many countries, they have effectively kept their numbers low and their curve is effectively flattening. Others are not so lucky. Fortunately, Singapore falls under the former camp and our numbers are relatively lower compared […]